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Real Estate Australia

Real Estate Australia

When Location Matters!
$420 Weekly
Available NOW


Property Location: 8/30 Goulburn St Liverpool - - NSW

Listing Id: b1b8001abf634ed3ab47819c48176e  


Bedrooms: 2    Bathrooms: 1    Garages: 1   

Description: This lovely 2 bedroom 1st floor, clean and tidy unit in a security complex is a must to inspect.

Features Include:

- 2 Bedrooms
- Split system air conditioner
- No carpet open plan kitchen
- Bathroom
- Balcony
- Single garage

Close to hospitals, shopping centres, schools and transport. One not to be missed!

When Location Matters!
$420 Weekly - Available NOW

Contact Starr Partners Liverpool Today!!!

Contact Gavin Belci - Rentals
Phone 0296007555

Property ID:b1b8001abf634ed3ab47819c48176e
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