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Click here to see the floorplans

Property Location: 7 Durack Avenue Catherine Field - - NSW

Listing Id: 1P5474  


Bedrooms: 4    Bathrooms: 2    Garages: 2   


Size: 330 Square Mtr Approx  

Description: Ready Built means this home is under construction or newly completed and will be a turnkey solution for the purchaser and includes features like:

* A Single Contract
* Fully landscaped, including driveway & letterbox
* Caesarstone benchtops throughout
* Kitchen appliances including dishwasher
* Ducted Airconditioning
* Security alarm

DISCLAIMER: Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and thoroughness of the information provided to you in our marketing material, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information provided by our Vendors, and as such, Starr Partners Narellan makes no statement, representation or warranty, and assumes no legal liability in relation to the accuracy of the information provided. Interested parties should conduct their own due diligence in relation to each property they are considering purchasing. All photographs, floorplans, maps and images are representative only, for marketing purposes.


Contact Starr Partners Narellan Today!!!

Contact Antoinette Davino
Phone 0405809939

Contact Matthew Callus
Phone 0427 177 114

Property ID:1P5474
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