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Real Estate Australia

Real Estate Australia

Wake up to the echo of the magnificent Macquarie River.
AUCTION: Thursday 29-08-2024
11:00 am  Under contract


Property Location: 6-8 Trangie Road Narromine - - NSW

Listing Id: 1P1352  


Bedrooms: 1    Bathrooms: 1   


Size: 1.8 Hectare Approx  

Description: 6-8 Trangie Road is a 1.8 H/A block situated only meters from the Macquarie River in Narromine just the place to build your new home on a very generous block.
The above block is situated with-in walking distance to all local town facilities.
Existing dwellings attached.
Included in the sale of the property is a .9mg water licence so as to be able to water your extensive lawns and gardens.
This is a unique opportunity to secure a block of peace and quiet with the flowing sound of the Macquarie River in the background.

Inspection by appointment only.

This information has been obtained from our vendors and third parties. We make no representations to its accuracy. All computer images, maps and photographs are indicative only. We are merely passing the information on. Interested parties should make their own enquiries.

Wake up to the echo of the magnificent Macquarie River.
AUCTION: Thursday 29-08-2024
11:00 am  Under contract

Contact Schute Bell Badgery Lumby Today!!!

Contact Kerry Klintworth

Contact Jason Hartin
Phone 0429 894 334

Property ID:1P1352
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