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Real Estate Australia

Real Estate Australia

Charming and Spacious 2-Bedroom Granny-Flat
Holding deposit received! Weekly
Available NOW


Property Location: 1A Busby Road Busby - - NSW

Listing Id: 1P3318  


Bedrooms: 2    Bathrooms: 1   

Description: Discover the perfect blend of comfort and convenience in this beautifully designed 2-bedroom granny flat. With its spacious layout, this home offers an inviting atmosphere ideal for a small family, couples, or individuals seeking extra space.

Key features:

- 2 spacious bedrooms with mirror built-in wardrobes
- Laminate flooring throughout
- Open-plan living and dining
- Spacious kitchen with electric cooking and ample storage
- Secure entry
- Low maintenance yard with shed

Enquire today!

Charming and Spacious 2-Bedroom Granny-Flat
Holding deposit received! Weekly - Available NOW

Contact Community First Real Estate Today!!!

Contact Mikelina Kremastos
Phone 0408 884 900

Property ID:1P3318
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